Friday, October 3, 2008

How to Write Adsense Article

Here are few useful tips for beginners and those who want to write articles for adsense. You can make money online through your articles as well as you can drive traffic to your website by submitting your article to article directory and placing a link back to your website at the resouce box of your article.

Write a Good Attractive Title

You may write a good and useful article for the internet users but if your title is not attractive and if it does not clear what the contents are there in your article then the chance of hitting your article by the readers will be very less. Try to catch the eye of the visitors by giving a good and very attractive title to your article. I have seen article with attarctive title and gone through that article and at the end I could found that the contents of the article is not that much useful as the artilce title looks like. But the writer of the article has been successfully drawn the attention of the visitors by giving a good and attractive title
Your title should be at least three words. It should not be so tiny that the reades will not get an idea of what you are going to tell in the main content. Try to avoid few characters like and, of, at. You may use those characters but it should be minimum. Your article title should have the main keyword included in it. You can get the list of keywords from any free key words generation tools and you may use one of it in your aticle title. The keywords simultaneously shoudl appear in the main poriton of the article several times.

Content of Your Artilce

As it is told that content is the king. You should have fresh and useful content for your artile. Do not use content already availble in the internet. You can read any article availabel in the internet marekt. Then make a research on the subject on which you are going to write something. You can update your knowlede but do not just copy somebody's work already published in the internet. If you copy anyone's work then you may be prosecuted uder law at the same time you will not get good visitors to your aricle. Normally organic search engine like google and Yahoo will thourhg your article from their list as duplicate content.

Size of Your Article

The size of your article should be atleast of 400 words minimum and at this rule is not the rule of thumb. You can make your article long enough if the theme of your artilce demands so.

Make Your Artile Vivid and Live

Express your idea in such an way that it should be life and vivid to the readers. The way you should write that readers should feel as if your are talking live to them. There should be an one to one conversation between you and your readers through your article.
Note: Here is the link to download a free article writing software. I have used this free article writing software. This is very useful for beginners who want to write good adsense artilce or any article to get more visitors and make money through article writing. You can check it out and downlaod it. I could not found any threat along with that free article writing software.

1 comment:

earnwrite said...

One example article directory where you can put your articles, link to your website and earn additional income through adsense is